During some recent interviewing I realized two things, one interviewing sucks and two I had forgotten some basic stuff and did far worse with the technical questions than I had hoped. So I formed a plan for a path forward, and life got in the way and screwed with the plan. C’est la vie.
First part of the plan is to build a homelab. Back when I first got into networking I had a decent hardware lab that helped me pass the entry exams. I’m past that point in my career and needed something that would allow me to create more robust configurations while not breaking the bank. In comes Eve-NG. I bought a second hand tower server with dual xeon processors and 48gb ram. This is done and I have several topologies created and an MX ospf lab running now. Worth a post at some point in the future but not today.
Second part of the plan is to get back in to the certification grind as I find its a good way to force me to read and remember technical information that I don’t come in contact with on a regular basis. My end goal is completing the JNCIP-SP certification. First step there is renewing my JNCIA as I let it expire ages ago. I’m fairly confident that the exam will go well and if it doesn’t I need to re-evaluate some life choices. But while I refreshed myself on the info I was unable to find any study guides covering the material. So here’s the guide I’m using now for my exam on 12/27/22. Hopefully someone else can get some use out of it. Feel free to copy and use as you see fit. Disclaimer its something I’ve created for my own studying and does not cover all material covered in the current JNCIA exam.
Google doc – JNCIA Study Guide
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